Kusa di Kása - Restaurant - Rostóranti
Káma ku Kafé - Bed and Breakfast
Info and Turistic Assistance

  • Our story:

  • This strange adventure begins in 2005 in Cidade Velha, when a couple of retired Italians meet Isa, a 25 year-old Cape Verdean girl.
    After four years of comparative peace and quiet living in the village, our two Italians decide to give their new fellow inhabitants some practical help.
    They thus "invent" a Ristorante offering traditional Italian food and Cape Verdean ingredients and recipes.
    The business was originally run by the three associates: the Italian couple and Isa, who loved their idea and quickly became self-sufficient both in the kitchen and serving at the tables!
    This was a wholly non-profit making organization; any profits were to be reinvested to improve equipment and to help fund associated and essential businesses, in particular to supply seeds and biological fertilizer to farmers growing produce that is not normally found in Cape Verde such as basil, rocket, celery, fennel and much more!
    The three jokingly call their unusual enterprise an "upside down cooperative": business first, the associates second!

  • Six months later, the business was running successfully and three girls in their early 20s, Gracinha, Neusa and Neida, also join the venture and the staff is complete.
    Now it is only a matter of working together to ensure that all the roles are interchangeable.

  • 30th September, 2006: all the shares of the business are handed over to the four girls, who are now almost self-sufficient.
    Today, the capital stock is distributed as follows: Isa (Sole Director) 20%; Gracinha 20%; Neusa 20%; Neida 20%; Anna 20%. The first four are the real owners of the business and will be the full-time managers.
    Anna plans to hand over her share in approx one year’s time. It may be given to a fifth person and/or be divided among the existing shareholders

  • 1st July 2007, just as the two Italians are ready to depart Cape Verde, leaving the girls to their fate, the unexpected happens.
    The owner of the property offers them the first-floor apartment which would be ideal to convert into three rooms to rent to visitors to the island.
    A genuine Bed & Breakfast which would also boost business in the restaurant.

  • The "Káma ku Kafé" B&B" officially opened on 10th September, 2007.